Directory jQuery Slider
Loads all images in a specified directory and creates a slide show
Current Version: 0.9
Github Page:
I occasionally work on an application that is, for all intent and purposes, a CMS. This application and its subsequent ‘sites’ all use the same exact markup. There is some flexibility with some custom fields, but for reasons not relavant to this post, I wanted a jQuery slide show that:
1) Adds all images from a specified directory.
2) Could be called like so $(‘class-or-id’).directorySlider({object:options});
And thus, the Directory Slider was born…
How to use?
Step 1: Link required files
<!– jQuery library (served from Google) –>
<script src="//"></script>
<!– directorySlider Javascript file –>
<script src="/js/directorySlider.js"></script>
Step 2: Create HTML markup
[html]<div class="directorySlider"></div>[/html]
Step 3: Call Directory Slider
Configuration Options
animation Type of Animation.
default: 'fade'
options: 'fade', 'uncover'
filebase Type base of all files in you directoy. Ex: for files slide_01.jpg, slide_02.jpg and slide_03.jpg the filebase would be ‘slide_’ and for img_01.png, img_02.png and img_03.png the filebase would be ‘img_’.
default: 'slide_'
options: string
extension The file extension of the files you are using.
default: 'jpg'
options: any image format (string)
directory The directory of your slides.
default: null
options: '/path/to/slides/folder'
numslides Number of slides in directory.
default: null
options: integer
Optional Options
speed Slide transition speed in milliseconds.
default: 1000
options: integer
timeout Time between slides.
default: 4000
options: integer
height Height of your slideshow in pixels.
default: null
options: integer
width Width of your slideshow in pixels.
default: null
options: integer
If you are seeking support or have any question at all in regards to this script, please provide a LIVE URL otherwise there is just no way to provide helpful feedback. Support questions here via email or on github without a live URL will be ignored. Sorry.